10 ways to boost your immune system fast

eat meal for boost immunity

Maintaining the immune system is very important for good health because the immune system protects the body from infection. It is believed that healthy adults experience an average of two colds a year, while children can get more. Since there is no cure for colds, prevention is the best approach.

eat meal for boost immunity
It takes a holistic approach that includes lifestyle, stress management, exercise, diet and supplements. Only by combining these methods can you maintain your health and make your immune system suitable to fight the virus.

This is how you strengthen your immune system

Let’s take a look at 10 ways you can support your immune system.

1. Eat rainbow fruits and vegetables

Aim for seven servings a day, and ideally this should include five vegetables and two fruits. Choose different colors and eat locally and seasonally. It will alkaline your body, provide you with antioxidants to fight free radicals, and boost your immune system with the vitamins and minerals it needs for optimal health.

This includes in particular:

  • Citrus fruits: oranges, lemons, grapefruits, berries (you can use frozen fruit, thaw overnight and add to your morning pulp)
  • Peppers, broccoli, green leafy vegetables

Smoothies are a great way to fit multiple servings into one meal. Try this:

  • handful of berries
  • 1 banana
  • handful of spinach
  • 1 tablespoon flaxseeds or chia seeds
  • 1 stalk of celery

Just add filtered water and mix well. Serve immediately.

2. Limit sugar and refined grains

Choose whole grains like brown and wild rice, whole grains, and quinoa. Studies show that spikes in sugar intake suppress your immune system. If your immune system is weakened, you are more likely to get sick.

Remember sugar is addictive and it can be difficult to reduce your intake at first, be prepared for withdrawal symptoms and don’t give up. The first few days will be the hardest, but you can do it!

3. Eliminate alcohol

Alcohol is a poison, and alcohol consumption has been linked to a number of illnesses that can make a person more susceptible to viral infections. In particular, alcohol impairs the immune system and increases the risk of health problems.

4. Avoid margarine and trans fats

Instead, focus on healthy fats like coconut oil, olive oil, nuts, seeds, and avocados. Trans fats are very harmful to our bodies and increase the risk of heart disease, making you more susceptible to other infections.

Use coconut oil for frying because it has a very high heat point, which means it can be heated to high temperatures without harming your body. Use extra virgin olive oil for salad dressings and olive oil for tenderizing roasted vegetables.

5. Eat enough but not too much protein

Protein helps restore energy and muscle after exercise, balances blood sugar levels, and increases satiety. Organic chicken, wild salmon, and grass-fed beef are good choices. Vegans should make an effort to include a variety of beans and lentils in their diet.

6. Drink six to eight glasses of water every day

You can add herbal teas such as elderberry and echinacea, as well as fresh vegetable juices. Please note that coffee and tea don’t count in your eight cups!

7. Take a good high potency multivitamin and mineral supplement

Vitamins C, D and Zinc are of course the most important micronutrients to include in your supplements.

8. Keep moving and active

Use the stairs, walk if you can. Follow a regular exercise program, ideally 33 to 5 times a week for 30-40 minutes. It can be any sport as long as you keep moving. Try jogging, yoga, or lifting light weights.

9. Introduce daily exercises for deep breathing and relaxation

Take Meditation, for example: there are many great apps you can use to teach you how to meditate and help you do it regularly. Have a positive mental attitude. Harness the healing power of the mind.

immunity meal

10. Sleep 7-9 hours a night

Ideally, starting before midnight, establish a bedtime routine. Take a bath with English salt, which has a calming effect. Stop using electronic devices at least an hour before bed. Eat your last meal between 6pm and 7pm at the latest so your digestive system can rest and your body can regenerate.

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