Can Eating Fruit Help You Lose Weight? That’s what Ayurveda says

fruit diet for weight loss

Ayurveda , If you study Ayurvedic medicine and eat fresh fruit for weight loss, you may have discovered the truth about an ancient system of therapy. Fruits are often considered one of the most nutritious superfoods in the world.

However, one can only reap the full benefits of these foods if they are consumed at the right time and in the right way. This is also because Ayurveda has many weight loss benefits. It aids in weight loss and helps reverse some of the symptoms of aging.

fruit diet for weight loss in ayurveda

Ayurveda has compiled a number of guidelines for the use of fresh fruit. Here are some of the most important factors to consider before eating these foods.

How are fruits useful for weight loss?

Whenever it comes to the consumption of fresh fruits, Ayurveda has developed specific guidelines for their consumption. Here are some of the pros and cons of consuming these nutritious fruits for meals.


According to Ayurveda, most fruits, except lemons, are easy to swallow on an empty stomach. Apples, bananas, pears, and peaches are great examples because they are high in pectin, which helps maintain a healthy digestive tract.

It is also advisable to eat fresh fruit before the main meal, as the fruit is absorbed more quickly.


fruit diet for weight loss in ayurveda

Ayurveda says you never mix raw and cooked food. Since fresh fruit is usually consumed raw and vegetables, and fruit has its own pace, they should not be consumed together.

Ayurveda recommends not eating fruit after the main meal. Eating fruit directly can cause gastrointestinal inflammation and affect overall gut health. It can also cause heartburn and gas.

Ayurveda does not recommend mixing unsweetened fruit with milk. Fruits even with a slight acidity should not be consumed with milk as it can spoil them. For example, bananas are nutritious but should not be mixed with milk as they are heavy.

Best time to eat fruit

fruit diet for weight loss in ayurveda

According to the principles of Ayurveda, the best time to eat fruit is the first morning. Except citrus fruits, many fruits can be easily consumed on an empty stomach. Bananas, apples, and peaches are just a few of the fruits that fall into this group.

What fruits help you lose weight?

Fruits are important for your health and can help you lose unwanted body fat. There are hundreds of fruits out there, but only a few will help you lose weight and get fit. Most fruits lack essential elements for weight loss. That is why it is important to know which fruit will help you lose weight.

The best fruits for weight loss are naturally sweet and high in antioxidants. These fruits have been shown to increase metabolism. And boosting your metabolism increases energy levels and helps you burn more fat. For that, eat fruits that are rich in natural sugars, such as blueberries, pears, apples, plums, strawberries, blackberries, to increase your body’s energy.

Therefore, according to Ayurveda, there are many benefits of eating fruit for weight loss. Fruits will not only help you lose weight and maintain excellent health, but also have antiaging, antioxidant and other health properties. Therefore, if you want to go on a diet, make sure to include fresh fruit in your normal diet.

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