How To Get Rid Of Acne And Pimples Naturally: A Step-By-Step Guide ( कील मुहाँसे हिंदी में )

acne and pimples

Overproduction of oil and a build-up of bacteria contribute to pimples. Areas of the skin that have the largest number of functional oil glands, such as the face, neck, chest, back and shoulders, are often affected.

How to get rid of acne naturally

Your sebaceous glands produce sebum, a mix of fatty acids, sebum, and oil, which acts as a moisturizer for your skin. Fatty acids are important to keep your skin hydrated, and sebum helps keep the skin moist. Keep your skin clean: Wash your face, neck and chest often, with a mild cleanser. Use a cotton pad to apply the cleanser directly to the affected area. Make sure you apply the cleanser on the area where the acne is present, and cover your head with a towel to get rid of any excess. Mix 3 parts honey with 2 parts olive oil: Take equal quantities of honey and olive oil. Take the mixture in a clean spoon and mix well. Apply it directly to your face. Let it stay for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, wash your face and pat dry with a clean, wet towel.

The diet that helps acne

It is difficult to pinpoint which foods cause acne and pimples. The primary causes are caffeine and sugar. Both foods act as an irritant and generate a free-radical. Caffeine acts as a topoisomerase inhibitor, which interferes with natural cell function. Caffeine suppresses the free-radical activity of cholesterol, which in turn suppresses the expression of the enzymes that combat cholesterol and promote its removal. Caffeine can also suppress the lipid synthesis process. This way, the body is unable to create enough cholesterol for normal skin functioning and the cholesterol buildup leads to a build-up of dead skin cells and oily follicles. Sugar is a self-cancelling drug.

Home remedies for acne

Sugar scrubs Take a bowl and add some sugar. Start scrubbing your face gently with a scrubber for 5 minutes. This will remove the excess oil from your skin and help you get rid of acne. Turmeric Turmeric is a mild anti-inflammatory that works best for dark spots. Add a teaspoon of turmeric powder and mix it in a cup of lukewarm water. Mix it well. Wash your face and then apply this mixture all over the affected area for 15 minutes. Use this every day and rinse after 15 minutes. Sandalwood Sandalwood also works well to get rid of acne. Rub sandalwood on your face and leave it for 15 minutes. Wash your face with cold water and pat dry. You can use this every alternate day to get rid of the pimple on your face.

Clearing up acne

Getting rid of acne can be a tricky process. There is no permanent solution, as the skin is constantly developing. But there are a number of ways to treat acne to keep the skin healthy and clear. The classic acne medication, antibiotics, may be prescribed for the first few courses of acne. But their effectiveness tends to diminish over time, so it is important to prescribe fewer courses of antibiotics. If your acne has not cleared up after two to three months of the initial course of antibiotics, you may need a different medication. Antibiotic therapy must be continued at the recommended intervals for at least 12 weeks, or it could have the opposite effect on your acne. You can also try using acne medication at home. Many gels, creams and emollients work to clear up acne.


Though the cause of acne can be tricky to identify, certain underlying factors will always cause your skin to produce more sebum. So, if you want to get rid of acne, and puss-filled breakouts, try following the simple steps above.

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