How To Reduce Belly Fat: The Ultimate Guide To Flat Abs (मोटापा घटायें हिंदी में )

belly fat

If wondering how to lose tummy fat quickly, then include abdominal muscles workout in your ‘tips to reduce belly’ list.

Why is there a need to reduce belly fat?

Your belly is the primary location where you store fat. Keeping a healthy amount of abdominal fat helps you get a leaner physique. However, the excess of belly fat can cause serious health issues. For example, if your belly is bigger than your waist, then it may not be possible for you to move around without increasing blood pressure, which can lead to heart attack. Another major health issue that is linked to abdominal fat is insulin resistance. This can lead to type 2 diabetes. Pile on some more health problems, and you can quickly face many health issues that can wreck your entire life. Studies have shown that belly fat is one of the leading causes of early death and early onset of various serious health issues.

What are the ways to reduce belly fat?

Like other areas of the body, a fitness practitioner would recommend working out in the abdominal area. Though it’s not mandatory, abdominal exercises are preferred for reducing the belly fat, as they work on burning extra calories. Therefore, abdominal exercises can help you build the abs that could help in losing the belly fat quicker. Experts recommend training abdominal muscles regularly for effective results. When compared to other exercises, abdominal exercises have few drawbacks in terms of recovery. But if you train in a systematic way, these limitations can be minimised to a large extent. Apart from the above-mentioned abdominal exercises, you could try exercises like sit ups, push ups, crunches and so on.

How to reduce belly fat with workouts

1. Abdominal crunches Lie on your back with legs straight and arms by your sides. Grasp your toes with your feet. Bend your elbows and lower your head as close to your chest as possible, then press your upper body back up as you breathe in. Next, lift your arms and legs into the air to your sides. Repeat for three sets of 12 reps.

2. Abdominal bicep curls Sit on a Stability Ball or yoga mat. Place your left knee on the floor and rest your left elbow on your left forearm, with your forearm extended in front of your body and your forearm pointing toward the floor. Place your right hand on the floor behind your left knee. Keeping your left elbow fixed on the floor, curl your left leg forward and back. Do three sets of 12 reps.

Tips to reduce belly

1. Narrow Your Chest A number of people start out with a massive, wide set chest. This is where your bosom is wider than your shoulders, and you’ll want to tighten up your abs to get rid of that tummy fat.

2. Define Shoulders Determine what shoulder muscles you have that are causing you some pain. Practice head-down rows and hammer curls in order to strengthen your shoulder muscles.

3. Lose Upper Belly Fat Keep your abs tight while maintaining your lower body muscle tone. It’s best to do abdominal exercises and plyometrics. Exercises like sled pushes are great for adding strength to your core, and burning fat.

4. Lose Upper Belly Fat Go over to the upper body section and work on tightening your upper body. Pushups and side planks are excellent exercises for this.


When body weight keeps on dropping in your body, a lot of women are likely to gain fat in the belly area. So, always focus on the abdominal muscle workout.

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