How To Remove Blackheads Naturally: Tips For A Clear Complexion (ब्लैकहैड हटायें हिंदी में टिप्स )

Blackheads tend to be a stubborn form of acne but they will eventually go away over time. Some blackheads may take months, or even years, to clear. Exfoliating skin regularly can help care for blackheads and even help prevent new ones from forming.The pores can also become inflamed if the blackhead isn’t treated. Other conditions can occur as a consequence of the inflamed tissue if you pop pimples yourself. We are writing some home made tips for you and you will see magical result after apply these 6 rules on your nose.

1.Baking soda

Baking soda is an ingredient that you can put on your nose daily to remove the blackheads. It’s great for giving soft and supple skin. Take 2 tablespoons of white or baking soda in a glass of water and mix both the ingredients together. Once your mixture turns transparent, just apply it all over the blackheads on your nose.

Let it sit for about 10 minutes and then wash off with warm water. You can repeat this process twice daily. Carbonated water For those people who are good with DIY, you can use soda water. It’s a natural way of clearing the blackheads that will help in getting a soft and supple skin. Soak a cotton ball in this soft drink and then put it on the affected area.

Repeat this process after every hour and you can notice a significant improvement in the blackheads.


If you really want to remove blackheads you can try making a clay mask at home. You can find clay clay at every supermarket. Simply place the clay in a bowl and add water to it. When the water boils, pour it into the bowl. Make sure you press the clay until it turns into a cake. Rinse it off after 10 minutes.

Baking Soda Place one tablespoon of baking soda into a bowl and add enough water to make a paste. Now mix the baking soda with the clay powder and apply it on your nose. Leave it on for 15 minutes and rinse it off with cold water.


Steaming helps in removing blackheads and the blackheads that is sealed up in your pores tend to soften and come off easily. Add few drops of oil to hot water and steep for 20 to 30 minutes. Now, the steam will be released into the air and will draw out impurities. This works great in removing blackheads.

Make sure the steam is released into the air so that it cannot collect in the pores. You can add few drops of almond oil and cinnamon powder to warm water and take out the steaming hot water. Take a cloth and absorb the steam while it rests for some time. Rinse your face with warm water to remove the impurities.

Oatmeal Pack Mix ½ cup of oatmeal with ½ a cup of yogurt. Apply this pack on your nose and leave it for half an hour. Wash it off in lukewarm water with a normal soap.

4.Lemon, salt and honey

Cut a lemon in half and squeeze the juice of lemon juice over your nose. Repeat this once a week, or after washing your face. Apply the honey over your nose with a cotton pad and leave for a few minutes. Wash off with water. It will exfoliate the blackheads and make your skin more supple.

Baby oil and vinegar Mix a teaspoon of baby oil with a tablespoon of vinegar and apply it on your nose. Leave it overnight and wash off with warm water the next morning. Use this twice a week.

Cucumber Clean the face and rinse with water. Gently massage your face with cucumber slices or slices of lemon. Leave the cucumber pieces on your face overnight. Wash off with warm water the next morning. This method can effectively remove blackheads. Method 1 Take a cucumber slice and dip it in lemon juice.

5.Egg white mask

Eggs are full of natural moisturizers which are good for the skin. This trick removes pores on a deeper level. It dries out the blackheads and neutralizes redness and irritation.


Tomato contains Vitamin C and lycopene which helps keep breakouts at bay. On an average a pimple caused by blackhead is filled with oil, which usually has high levels of glycolic acid, hence it is rich in Vitamin C.

The acid creates a sebum, which covers the blackhead, preventing the pores from emitting harmful bacteria. How To Remove Blackheads: Tomato helps to detoxify the skin and remove toxins from your skin.

Just mash a ripe tomato and apply this on your blackhead or pimples. You will see a difference after 10-15 minutes. Rinse it off in cold water after 15 minutes. Chilli Powder Chilli is a great exfoliator. It helps in removing the layers of dead skin and also helps to clear your pores.

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